KIDSTAGE Originals is an original musical project created by emerging theatre artists. Students in grade 9–age 20 generate their own material under the mentorship and guidance of a professional writing, composing, and directing team. The program emphasizes the process of creating a script from the initial concept to the stage. This year the entire process took place online via Zoom with the culmination of the KIDSTAGE Originals festival on March 27 and 28, 2021.
The KIDSTAGE Originals Festival consisted of four readings of in-progress scripts created by KIDSTAGE students. Each script reading was a creative combination of live reading, recorded songs, and other inventive ways to tell the story in a digital medium. Shows were presented as abridged works or as works in progress, with the goal of sharing these original stories in an engaging and informative presentation. Each reading culminated with a talk back with the writers about the show and process.
Click on the show name below to check out each reading! The live events have passed, but recordings and details are still available.