Donations - Village Theatre
Thank You for Your Support

Village Theatre, located in Issaquah and Everett, is registered with Washington State’s Charities Program as required by law. Additional information is available at (800) 332-4483 and

For reference, Village Theatre’s tax ID number is 91-1077130.

Some donor benefits have a fair market value (FMV), nominally reducing the tax deductible amount of your gift, as required by the IRS. You can receive 100 percent tax-deductibility by choosing to waive your benefits.

Gifts made through donor-advised funds are subject to tax rules that prevent Village Theatre from providing you with associated benefits that carry a FMV. For more information, please contact your own tax advisor.

Contact Us

Danielle Franich
Director of Development
(425) 392-1942 x116

Village Theatre Gift Acceptance Policies and Guidelines


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