Youth Education Sponsor Place Holder - Village Theatre

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Summer Camps:

KIDSTAGE is offering in person camps this summer! For the health and safety of all who will be joining us in returning to in person classes, KIDSTAGE has a set of guidelines and operating procedures that all in-person programming must follow.

  • Daily health screenings will be required for students and staff members, and temperatures will be taken at the door.
  • Buildings will not be open to guardians, siblings, or visitors.
  • Classes will be limited to 10 students or less, based on classroom size limitations.
  • Masks are required to be worn at all times on-site.
  • All on-site personnel (students, staff, instructors) will be expected to follow social distancing guidelines.
  • KIDSTAGE and Village Theatre will perform rigorous cleaning, per CDC guidelines.
  • Frequent hand washing and sanitizing will take place.
  • Windows will be open in the classroom whenever possible to allow for constant fresh air.
  • Drop-offs and pick-ups will be managed outside our buildings.


COVID Student guidelines

For more specifics on the policies and procedures KIDSTAGE and Village Theatre are implementing to keep our students, parents, instructors and staff safe and healthy during this pandemic, please contact

All camps will move to a virtual format if needed to comply with any government issued mandate or change.

Virtual Camps: 

Not ready for in-person programming? Join us for the fabulous 100% live and interactive virtual programming we’ve been offering since May of 2020. Sing, dance, act, and play with our highly-skilled roster of educators who have become masters at providing engaging online experiences.

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